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By Matt Barker
January 14, 2000


Digiscent's Scent Technology

SmellySmellevision and Digital Scratch n' Sniff are finally here! DigiScent is advancing a new industry through the digitization and broadcast of smell. Digiscents' digital scent technology will enable gamers to enjoy more immersive experiences with scent-enabled online and PC games as well as scented web sites, e-mail, movies, music, e-commerce, and online advertising.

Developers will be able to use Digiscent's technology to scent-enable web sites, e-mail, movies, music, e-commerce, interactive games, and online advertising, making the multimedia consumer experience more lifelike and memorable. "Scentography" allows developers to add a new dimension to their creations.

The company's offerings will include the iSmell, a personal scent synthesizer. The iSmell is a computer peripheral device that emits a broad range of fragrances. iSmell is controlled by ScentStream software that drives the operation of the iSmell in coordination with a variety of media. Also included is the Scent Registry, a digital index of thousands of scents that the company will license to developers to integrate into games, web sites, advertisements, movies, and music, and a broad array of tools for designing scents and composing ScentTracks for any digital content.

DigiScent is releasing its ScentWare Developers' kit in two flavors: Java and C/C++. The kit includes the ReminiScents database of ScentObjects, Digiscent's' API, and ScentStream Player.

Oakland, CA

[01.14.00] Codewarrior for Playstation 2

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