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Home > Lifestyle > Lifestyle News > Beer Has Vitamin B6 for Heart
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Monday, May 01, 2000
Beer Has Vitamin B6 for Heart

      Several studies have pointed out the heart-healthy benefits of drinking red wine, but those who prefer a brew won't miss out.
Alcohol       It turns out beer contains significant levels of vitamin B6, which can reduce the risk of heart disease. Researchers at the TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute in Zeist, the Netherlands, studied effects that different types of beverages could have on the heart. Eleven healthy people drank four glasses of either beer, red wine, Dutch gin or sparkling water with their dinners for three weeks. Then they switched to another beverage in random order.
      During the three weeks of drinking beer, study participants' vitamin B6 blood levels rose 30 percent while their homocysteine levels remained stationary. Homocysteine is a chemical known to increase the risk of heart problems. While drinking red wine or Dutch gin, homocysteine levels rose 8 percent and 9 percent, respectively. Researchers say that calculates into an elevated heart disease risk of 10 percent to 20 percent. However, moderate alcohol consumption overall is associated with a lower risk for heart problems.
      This study is published in the April 29 issue of The Lancet.
--By WebMD National News Center

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